10 maja 2013

Live webcast: Using insight from understanding physicians, disease and therapy knowledge to drive your education and promotional programmes

Many pharmaceutical and healthcare companies are using physicians’ online networks to enable them to benchmark the relative success of product launches and campaigns.

Networks in Health - a unique international alliance of online physician networks with more than two million members worldwide, including the likes of Doctors.net.uk (UK), Egora (France), coliquio Germany) & Medcenter (Spain, Portugal) – is at the forefront of this growing trend and has enabled companies to measure outcomes, track behavioural changes and calculate ROI. To share their knowledge of how online communities can help companies to better understand doctors’ disease and therapy knowledge, Networks in Health and Doctors.net.uk will join forces to host a webinar on May 29, at 2.00pm Europe, 1.00pm UK

  web registration >>

source: pmlive.com

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